Fibonacci Sequence in My Life – Part 3

11, 15, 18, 21, 23, 24, …

So when I post this rn, y’all should know what’s the next number.

Yep. The next number is 25.

So many happen in this year too. But the highlight is the promotion came from where I work.

But this time I won’t be telling my story. It’s just usual job promotion at work, trust me you’ll get bored reading it.


Instead, I’ll tell you two quotes.

  1. “Be humble in your confidence, yet courageous in your character.”

  1. “Giving up is the only boundary between you and the success.”

Both quotes reminds me that ALWAYS there’s someone else better than me, so my confidence won’t step over the edge and fall out. But ALWAYS trust myself won’t hurt and disappointed me if I put all of my efforts into the goals, until I get my goals succeeded.

Because someday the fruit can be harvested and the effort will be paid out.


Passion in Adult World

Kalau disuruh jawab..

Sebenarnya passion kamu apa sih?

Gue kadang greget ya sama sistem pendidikan di negara kita ini. Kenapa sih nggak seperti di luar negeri yang fokusnya itu ke kepribadian dan pengembangan pemikiran anak. Jadi saat pendaftaran kuliah, anak2 di luar negeri sana –mostly udah tahu mau ambil jurusan apa sesuai cita-cita dan passion nya.

Ibarat kata tuh pas nyanyi lagu “Susan.. Besok gede, mau jadi apa?”.

Tapi bukan sepenuhnya salah sistem sih. Gue sendiri dari SMP sampai dengan SMA pun, masih belum punya cita-cita. Yang gue tahu gue cuman bisa belajar. Titik. Ya kalua pas SD sih masih ada, cita-cita anak kecil: Pramugari. Trus kenapa nggak dikejar cita-cita jadi pramugari nya? Kurang tinggi sodara-sodara. Bukan, bukan cita-cita nya yang kurang tinggi, tapi badan eyke yang kurang tinggi. Makan banyak, tumbuh ke samping pun tidak. Tapi ke atas pun nggak. Kurang paham juga gue tumbuh nya ke mana.

Jadi sampai 8 tahun yang lalu, sesaat sebelum daftar kuliah pun gue nggak tau gue mau jadi apa. Yang penting SUKSES. Padahal definisi sukses itu luar biasa luas. Sukses ngebahagiain orang tua = sukses. Sukses karir = sukses. Sukses dalam pernikahan = sukses. Dan sukses-sukses lainnya yang pastinya berbeda-beda tiap-tiap orang.

Lalu menyemplunglah gue ke dunia kerja *baca : adult world*. Di sini baru deh tanpa disengaja semakin lama hidup gue semakin mengerucut ke satu bidang yang gue rasa saat gue kerjain ini tuh gue happy. Bukan berarti di kerjaan sebelumnya gue merasa menderita ya, tapi nggak happy aja dengan kerjaan yang ada. Selalu bersyukur, tapi merasa bukan ini yg tepat. Sampai bertemu dengan kerjaan, situasi, dan tanggung jawab yang sekarang, baru merasa “ini nih gue”. Yang pemikir, yang selalu mencari cara untuk lebih baik lagi dari sebelumnya.

Jadi kalau sekarang disuruh jawab..

Passion kamu apa sih?

Gue pengen membuat semua hal, semua bidang, selalu, dan terus jadi lebih baik dari sebelumnya yang pernah ada.


Fibonacci Sequence in My Life – Part 2


For the first time my work has a sequel. Not as great as Kingsman’s sequel. or Infinity War. But yeah a sequel. I mean…. there are some continuous things in my life I’ve been keeping tracks with.. consciously.

So, the next number is 24.

11, 15, 18, 21, 23, 24, …

Means 4, 3, 3, 2, 1, …

I hope I could always keep in tracks with these numbers and I can’t wait for what will happen in the next year.

It doesn’t have to be always on me, but something happens in my life at that time AND IT HAS AN IMPACT FOR MY LIFE can be counted to those sequence.


I know I haven’t write for so long so sorry for a long intro.

Anyway, shit happens. I moved from the current office when I was 23 to the new one.

More closer from home, means no more 4-hours-public transportation-everyday. I only used online apps like gojek/grab/uber these days. *this is not an endorsement*

Higher salary *of course*.

And new boyfriend. This part is quite serious because for the first time I brought a man into my house, met my parents. And vice versa. If one of you is my friends, you know that I avoid things like that before I know the other one is being serious. And honestly I still could not believe I’m entering that phase right now.

But that’s lyfe 4 ya. Like a lemon. Sometimes sweet enough you don’t even need the sugar on it.

A Vow to Myself.

Everybody is changing everyday.

I’m afraid I’m the only one who’s still clinging to the old times.

The only one who doesn’t want to change.

Or to face changes.


Socializing has becoming harder these days when you expect people you know would be the same.

After all different situations with different level of tolerance we’ve been through.

Each situation made changes on people.

Even when I wrote this I genuinely ask myself whether I changed or not?

Or I could not realize the changes at myself?

Or I don’t want to realize?

Because comfort zones does comforting, doesn’t it?


I often say to myself and to colleagues.. I won’t be stressing much about work.

And that is true.

Because all my tangled thoughts are only about relations.

And I don’t know any other way out but one.

I need to travel.


At first be a volunteer does make sense as one simple solution.

But it takes much responsibility that I did not give to my family yet.

Let alone other people.

Who am I to talk about not giving up to hard times..

When I often gave up things I want just because there is this invisible wall I can’t come up with.


So let’s travel.

This is a promise I vowed to make myself happy.

Let it be once in a year.

It could be different places each year or same.

With friends or alone.

Doesn’t matter.

Since I’ll just follow where my heart wants to.

Afterall it is heart which has been keeping up with all my hardships about.



To my happily ever after.

Fibonacci Sequence in My Life

Well you guys must be pretty wonder. Where is the connection between Fibonacci sequence with life? Is it at junior high school when all of us learned it? No, here’s the connection.

11, 15, 18, 21, 23, …

Which makes its Fibonacci numbers 4 – 3 – 3 – 2 …

And if any of you likes mystery cases, I bet a guess already crossed your mind. Behold for the answers.

All those numbers represents AGE. My age. When there’s a big things happened in my life. *intermezzo – So? Did you guess correctly?*


11. When I was 11 years old, I was just entering junior high school. I was such a introvert back then at elementary. Sooo much introvert I thought I gonna die no friends at all. That’s when I decided why did I wait to be approached? Why don’t I make the first step to searching for a friend? Because of those thoughts, I decide to brought myself out of my comfort zone. I said hello first to people I know. I smile often. I throw some jokes first. And hell yeah those small steps brought me to my two dearest friends, F & B (not food & beverages, but i do like food & beverages too tho). The very first bestfriends I’ve ever had.

15. First serious love for a boy. Damn I thought I was gonna married him because we talked about marriage so many times. I really thought I’d only fall in love once then get married. And so much drama in there I thought I get many relationship-lessons from that time.

18. Okay, my love from 15y.o. is gone but I got so many friends from my university, which is nice. And when I say so many, it is A LOT. Just from the oil-2011 line, I got more than 300 friends. And don’t forget to count every friends I met from organization I joined in. even if I get a chance to go back in time, I would join that organization once again.

21. Adult life. A REAL-shit adult life. I have to get my ass up to work e v e  r  y  d  a  y  . For so little money. You can say I’m not grateful or smt.. I won’t judge your judges anyway. I know I myself need more and more money. Who to blame? This commercial  world required big sum money to live in after all to spoil myself. And for the first time I miss school’s holiday. TWICE. Every single year. *Somehow the age represents the meaning so well. if you know what i mean 😉

23. I’m not saying I haven’t know makeup tools yet. Only my newest office and my newest job required me to wear some makeup everyday. Yup. Everydeeeeeey. And that makes a habit of myself. Now I think I prefer not to go out than go out wearing no makeup at all. At least some eyebrows pencil, eyeshadows, and lipstick would do.. but yeah, the point of this age is I am addicted to my looks with makeup on. It feels more glowing than others. For you who hasn’t touch a makeup yet, should have it try once smt. Oh, there’s one more. I have an ex at this age. And that is all I would tell you about my ex.

You see, all those ages has one or two changes in my life. And oh boy what a Fibonacci sequence I have. I’ve still got no idea if the next Fibonacci number is 1 or 2. But I get to decide it, right? Which is nice. I could not wait whether 24 or 25, for my next-life-changing moment happened. And i told you just this once, find your fibonacci sequence and always remember that. Those changes makes who you are today, right this time. And those who doesn’t had any, go out. Try makes your fibonacci sequence right now.



“Tertawalah, seisi dunia akan tertawa bersamamu; jangan bersedih karena kau hanya akan bersedih sendirian.” -Andrea Hirata.

Oke kalian boleh manggil gue super lebay. Emang nggak sampe skala satu planet sih. Tapi quotes satu ini udah terbukti dari jaman gue masih pake putih merah.

Enggak, bukan bendera NKRI. Baju SD maksud gua.

Iyah, tertawa itu ngefek banget ke semua orang. Asal jangan terus-terusan nggak berhenti gitu. Nanti efeknya ke pulsa temen yang dipake nelponin rumah sakit jiwa buat ngaduin kita jadinya.

Orang-orang yang ceria, bahagia, or both of it.. Mereka itu, sadar atau enggak, punya kekuatan super buat lifting beban pikiran orang lain, buat menyemangati orang lain, bahkan bisa bikin orang lain ikutan mikir / bertindak yg positif juga.

Gua contohnya. Pernah gua lagi apa ya.. kayak stres gitu sama hidup gua. Ga inget deh masalahnya apa pokoknya tiap menit tiap jam pusing aja gitu. Dan itu semua nggak berasa lagi saat gua bisa bikin temen-temen gua ketawa terbahak-bahak.

Senyum itu kayak sinar matahari. Kelihatannya sepele. Tapi manfaatnya nggak bisa dihitung. Gitu loh.

Sedangkan kesedihan, depresi, dan semacamnya… Orang emang punya empati dan simpati, tapi nggak ada orang yang mau ikutan orang lain buat jadi nggak bahagia juga.

PS: Post gua kali ini agak sedikit singkat padat gimana gitu ya soalnya gua lagi di luar kota. Mana kepala pening banget karena ada satu anak kecil di pesawat gua tadi yang nangis setengah jam lebih di pesawat. Emang nggak ada hubungannya sih. Gua cuman mau curhat aja huhu.

Bumi. Jadi Dua.

Andai bumi terbelah dua.
Biar kita tetap saling berpeluk.
Begitu sepenggal lirik dari lagunya teh Melly. Salah satu soundtrack romansa yang cukup terkenal seantero Indonesia. Judulnya pun sama persis sama nama filmnya. ADA APA DENGAN CINTA. Kulari ke hutan kemudian menyanyiku. Kulari ke pantai kemudian teriakku. … Atau aku harus lari ke hutan lalu ke pantai. Rangga kayaknya demen amat sama hutan sama pantai. Mungkin dia belum pernah ke Puncak atau Anyer kali ya. Apalagi pas liburan sekolah. Masyaolo… Nggak usah pecahin gelas ngga, itu Puncak sama Anyer udah rame banget kayak di Pasar Senen.
Kenapa jadi bahas Rangga? Sori sori kebablasan hahaha.
Tapi serius deh. Intermezo dikit. Kenapa bahasan sekelibat yang ga penting begini selalu lebih enak diomongin yah daripada yang mau gua bahas.
Oke sebenarnya di otak gue udah ada intermezo kedua, ketiga, deeste. Tapi di skip aja daripada gua mulai lupa kalimat pertama post-an ini.
Di atas tuh. Liriknya salah satu lagu teh Melly. *lagi nahan diri buat nggak ngelantur lagi*
Nggak kenapa-napa sama liriknya. Tapi menurut lo bakal ada nggak sih yang beneran pasrah aja terus pelukan doang kalo bumi udah kebelah dua? Mau tau menurut gue? Menurut gue sih banyak. Jangan salah bro. Kekuatan cinta itu…uw… gua pribadi sih percaya banget sama yang namanya CINTA. LOVE. TE AMO. AI. SARANG. Nggak, gua bukan lagi jatuh cinta kok. Cuman tadi terlintas aja tuh lirik trus begitu gue pikirin. Buset. Hebat juga ya. Segitu kuatnya “cinta” itu sampe lagi kiamat aja bisa-bisanya nunjukin rasa sayang. Makanya gue bilang. Kekuatan cinta itu powerful abis. Nggak ada cinta yang nggak indah. Kalo lo putus mah itu udah ga ada cinta berarti makanya nggak indah. Kalo masih saling cinta itu pasti indah ga sih.
Tapi sekuat-kuatnya cinta manteman.. Kalo bumi udah kebelah dua mah kita udah melayang-layang kayaknya. Gravitasinya udah nggak tau ke mana kan ya. LOL.

My Slice of Life.

I can’t believe that i’m writting now. Only God knows i haven’t been writing for how long until the last post..and also you guys, my readers.

So here’s the thing. I bought a book.

The storyline isn’t what i had expected from the author. I, for myself only likes romantic story. Either sad or happy. Funny is better but every author has his writting style. Personally i just need the romantic part. Then everything becomes good in my eyes. Arts will never go wrong, right?

But it’s flowing slowly… The story it is. Smoothly… touched my heart that maybe no one ever done. Okay i think i’m overreacted in this part. But i do CRY.

This novel.. It makes me curious.. what does it feels as an outsider in the middle of crowd, just watching people come-and-go continuously, like the life itself is flowing and we just watch it. I think doing this kind of activity once a day like this won’t hurt us. So i tried it. Today

Then after becoming one, my observation a.k.a my heart told me this :

Just how lovely they are, teenagers walking along at the sidestreet, backpacking, laughing, enjoying the incredible youth life that never come back to us, the adults.


Please describe one of your biggest achievements and how does it shapes you?

“Please describe one of your biggest achievements and how does it shapes you? (350-750 words)”

Sebelum kita masuk ke apa yg mau gue bahas dari kalimat barusan.. Mungkin buat teman-teman gue yang baru sekitar satu tahun memasuki dunia kerja, kalimat di atas udah ngebosenin banget. Gimana nggak ngebosenin? Tiap kali mau daftar kerjaan, ngelamar kerja, mostly pada nanya tentang itu. Tentang pencapaian terbesar di hidup lu. Oke, jangankan temen-temen gue, gue yang udah kerja selama 18 bulan ini juga udah eneg baca kalimat itu.

Oke sekarang kita masuk ke pembahasan sebenarnya. Yang tadi bener juga sih, tapi maksud gue tadi sebelum gue ngetik, topik barusan kelewat gitu di otak jadi daripada mubazir, aji mumpung biar artikel gue tambah panjang. HAHAHA. Apa sih. Ngelantur jauh bener.

Oke sekarang kita bener-bener masuk ke pembahasan sebenarnya. Dari kalimat nun jauh di atas sana, ada satu hal yg pengen gua bahas.

“HOW IT SHAPES YOU?”. Ini.. Berasa sesuatu banget nggak sih di elu? Jadi nih kalimat gua baca pas gua lagi di kantor, lagi nyari lowongan-lowongan kerja baru buat di apply. Trus di salah satu grup L*NE gue yg isinya temen-temen satu angkatan gue, ada yang ngabarin beberapa lowongan yang lagi buka, salah satunya di Bank M. Gue sempet ngerasa sedih sih setelah beberapa kali ngeapply, dipanggil, dites, diinterview, trus gagal. Gagalnya di bagian interview semua. Jadi begitu liat lowker baru jadi jiper gitu buat ngeapply lagi. Setelah sejam ya galau-ketiduran-galau-ketiduran di kantor… Akhirnya baru lah gua putuskan untuk apply job yg di Bank M itu. Trus ya pasti lu semua udah pada bisa duga ujung-ujungnya cerita gue. Pas apply di Bank M itu lah gue ketemu (lagi) sama pertanyaan itu. Itu tuh yang di atas tadi. Kalo lupa mending scroll lagi deh ke atas. Jangan lupa scroll sampe bawah banget juga ya abis ini.. Nggak kok, bukan buat ngelanjutin post-an ini. Post ini mah di sini aja kelar. Scroll sampe bawah banget buat baca post-an gua yang lainnya juga. Hahaha.

Sampe mana gue tadi? Haduh udah nggak ada kerjaan di kantor, ngantuk pula. Nulis blog aja lupa sampe mana. Oke. Ternyata setelah gua baca lagi, gue baru sampe di mana gue ketemu sama tuh pertanyaan. Sebenernya gue sendiri jg udah 2-3 kali ketemu nih pertanyaan. Tapi entah kenapa sekarang sesuatu banget nih. Sampe gue mikir “Apa iya, pencapaian-pencapaian gue itu ikut ngebentuk karakter gue yang sekarang?”. Karena sampe sekarang kayaknya gue ngerasa gue ga punya pencapaian apapun yang berarti. Gue gatau gimana orang lain menilai gue. Tapi sekarang ini belum emang peak-nya.

Ini maksud gue adalah gimana kalo sampe sekarang yang ngebentuk gue dan karakter gue sampe kayak gini itu adalah si pengalaman hidup? Pengalaman hidup yang bukan pencapaian apapun. Tapi lebih ke pesan moral, pemikiran sebelum bertindak, etc.. Pengalaman yang kasih lu pembelajaran gitu deh. Toh, nggak cuman pengalaman manis aja kan yang bisa kasih kita pelajaran kehidupan. #GueSokBijak #BentarLagiDisamberPetirZeus #ZeusnyaRandomBanget

Gitu deh maksud gue. Nangkep nggak sih kalian para pembaca? Mungkin aja ada orang bertalenta yang memang belom pernah punya suatu pengalaman yang menurut dia WAW. Mungkin aja pas hampir mau dapet, tuh orang kena sial. Atau memang dari awal udah kena musibah. Whatever it is, apa nggak diskriminasi namanya kalo penerimaan karyawan cuman dilihat dari apa yang pernah ia capai? Bukan dari sifat dan kerja kerasnya? Bukan dari talenta yang nggak akan pernah keliatan karena belom pernah menangin apapun? Oh well.. Namanya juga dunia kerja. Keras, Boss.

Although, 350-750 words nya ternyata bukan masalah buat gue. Pas pertama kali gue baca juga gue mikir ini jahat juga yah yang bikin instruksi. 350 kata kan banyak cuy. Eh…ternyata gue sendiri sampe 500-an kata. Nyahahaha begini deh untungnya jadi orang bawel.